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National Testing Calibration & Inspection LTD (NTCL)

Well balanced illumination is essential for the establishment of a safe and productive work environment, optimizing illumination in the industrial workplace requires a number of considerations including types of equipment, environmental considerations, financial needs, goals, and type of work etc. Generally, factors that affect the effectiveness of illumination are quantity and quality of light, amount of flicker, amount of glare, contrast and shadows. Proper illumination is essential for the optimization of safety, comfort and productivity in the workplace. Workplace lighting also dictates quality of perception, mood, and performance levels of employees.

Guidelines for lighting fixtures are outlined for different industrial environments, as well as a variety of very specific settings including manufacturing plants, energy plants, and more. Safe practices with regards to availability of emergency lighting, specifically the operation and performance testing of evacuation lighting systems are also provided. Energy performance standards are also expounded upon, specifying calculations for minimum energy requirement and efficient allocation.

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974, an employer has a duty to ensure the health & safety of employees. The Act includes a duty to provide lighting to ensure that work can be undertaken safely. It also states that employee’s health or eyesight must not be jeopardized. The Workplace Regulations Act 1992 states that employers must ensure that:

  • Every workplace has suitable & sufficient lighting.
  • This should be natural light, so far as is reasonably practicable
  • Suitable & sufficient emergency lighting shall be provided where needed.

Good lighting plays an important role in safeguarding health at work by enabling employees to perform their work comfortably and efficiently. It also allows employees to read clearly labels and safety instructions (such as those affixed to chemical containers) to ensure compliance with safety measures for the prevention of hazards. Accordingly, there should be an appropriate level of the light falling on the surface on which employees are working. Excessive contrast, strong glare and light flickering in their fields of vision are also inappropriate.

To ensure good lighting, the person responsible for a workplace should arrange for a suitable Procedure on the lighting levels in the workplace. This booklet is intended to help the responsible person understand the basic concepts of lighting Procedure and the measurement of lighting levels with a lux meter.

Well balanced illumination is essential for the establishment of a safe and productive work environment, optimizing illumination in the industrial workplace requires a number of considerations including types of equipment, environmental considerations, financial needs, goals, and type of work etc. Generally, factors that affect the effectiveness of illumination are quantity and quality of light, amount of flicker, amount of glare, contrast and shadows. Proper illumination is essential for the optimization of safety, comfort and productivity in the workplace. Workplace lighting also dictates quality of perception, mood, and performance levels of employees.

Guidelines for lighting fixtures are outlined for different industrial environments, as well as a variety of very specific settings including manufacturing plants, energy plants, and more. Safe practices with regards to availability of emergency lighting, specifically the operation and performance testing of evacuation lighting systems are also provided. Energy performance standards are also expounded upon, specifying calculations for minimum energy requirement and efficient allocation.

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974, an employer has a duty to ensure the health & safety of employees. The Act includes a duty to provide lighting to ensure that work can be undertaken safely. It also states that employee’s health or eyesight must not be jeopardized. The Workplace Regulations Act 1992 states that employers must ensure that:

  • Every workplace has suitable & sufficient lighting.
  • This should be natural light, so far as is reasonably practicable
  • Suitable & sufficient emergency lighting shall be provided where needed.

Good lighting plays an important role in safeguarding health at work by enabling employees to perform their work comfortably and efficiently. It also allows employees to read clearly labels and safety instructions (such as those affixed to chemical containers) to ensure compliance with safety measures for the prevention of hazards. Accordingly, there should be an appropriate level of the light falling on the surface on which employees are working. Excessive contrast, strong glare and light flickering in their fields of vision are also inappropriate.

To ensure good lighting, the person responsible for a workplace should arrange for a suitable Procedure on the lighting levels in the workplace. This booklet is intended to help the responsible person understand the basic concepts of lighting Procedure and the measurement of lighting levels with a lux meter.

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