- This procedure covers all complaint and appeal received at Organization by any means, like written, verbal, e–mail etc. It also includes adverse findings during audits.
- Management Representative / Operation Manager is responsible for receiving the complaint and appeal from the clients / other parties. They in consultation with the Coordinator are responsible for handling, validating and analysis of the complaint and appeal to the satisfaction of the clients / other parties. is responsible handling and analyzing the complaint and appeal by back–up records. Coordinator assists him in analyzing the complaint and appeal.
- Chief Operation Officer is responsible for closing of complaint and appeal to the satisfaction of client / other parties.
Receipt and validating complaint and appeal
- Complaint and appeal received from client / other parties by any means or by any one is first of all recorded in the Complaint and Appeal register. After that complaint and appeal report is prepared with the details of;
- Complaint and appeal sr. No.,
- Mode of receipt,
- Received by,
- Name of client / other parties,
- Description of complaint and appeal,
- Reference of Inspection / Audit services against, which complaint and appeal is raised along with the reference of Inspection / Audit date,
- The NTCL one of team member sends a receipt to the appellant and validates the appeal and passes the information to the formed appeals panel. Client / other parties’ complaint and appeal report are issued to the Coordinator for analyzing the root cause.
- Coordinator / Quality Manager validates the complaint after checking necessary back–up records or personal interview of the Inspection / Audit Engineers / Inspectors (who were involved into job).
Classification of the client feedback and complaint and appeal
- Client complaint and appeal and client feedbacks are classified according to their cause. The purpose is to allow for better tracking of trends and evaluating improvements in specific domains. Possible causes are:
- Suspected results,
- Late result reporting,
- Problems with communication and response,
- Complaint and appeal regarding business practices, publicity, etc.,
- Problems in Inspection / Audit services provided,
Handling of Client Complaint and Appeal
- Management Representative / Operation Manager and the function responsible for the complaint and appeal, decide how to respond to the client and, when applicable, what needs to be done to correct the problem for the client (re–Inspection / Audit, hold a meeting, etc.). The client is informed of this decision.
- Management Representative / Operation Manager review every client complaint and appeal, root cause is analyzed, and corrective action is taken. The same is recorded in the client complaint and appeal report.
Analysis of Complaint and appeal
- Management Representative / Operation Manager reviews the complaint and appeal for (Such as);
- Delay in submission of Inspection / Audit report / certificate,
- Wrong reporting / variation in reporting,
- Inspection / Audit not carried out as per the contract,
- Inspection / Audit is not carried out in time,
- Inadequate error in reports
- Any other problem identified by the client / other parties.
- Client / other parties’ complaint and appeal is analyzed for the root cause. After identification of root cause the necessary actions are taken to resolve the complaint and appeal.
Review of Appeals
- During the periodic Management Review and Board of Director Meeting, all Appeals will be analyzed to determine whether the action taken has been effective from the NCR and investigation information. This review will also determine whether there are any trends/similarities complaints and determine what action should be taken in the light of such findings.
Closing of complaint and appeal
- Depending on the nature of the non–conformity, the Management Representative / Operation Manager may follow up with requests for corrective and preventive actions. When the investigation of client complaint and appeal determines that remote operation or other external organizations contributed to the complaint and appeal, the Operation or his delegate contacts these organizations and provides them with all relevant information.
- Every client complaint and appeal are recorded. The records are maintained by the Management Representative / Operation Manager. When there are copies of written communication, reports and other documents related to a complaint and appeal, these records are organized into a file and are identified with the complaint and appeal number and also having records of the corresponding corrective or preventive actions. The records of investigations that concern product quality or other test characteristics are maintained by Operation Manager. Based on analysis of Client / Other Parties complaint and appeal, necessary actions are taken, and client is replied for closing the complaint and appeal.
- Management Representative identifies need for taking corrective and preventive action to prevent such complaint and appeal in future and accordingly concerned person is informed.
- All the complaint and appeal received by Organization will be closed within 7 working days after receipt of the complaint and appeal. Chief Operation Officer is authorized for closing of complaint and appeal.
Formats / Exhibits | ||||
F/CSD/01 | Client feedback form | |||
F/CSD/02 | Complaint and appeal Report, if any | |||
F/CSD/03 | Complaint and appeal Register |
- Keep all personally identifiable information concerning the complainant / originator of the appeal confidentially and protect from disclosure. It shall only be available for the purpose of addressing the complaint/appeal within the organization or the customer / complainant / originator of the appeal expressly consents to its disclosure. NTCL Information and Trade Secrets Policy shall also be followed.