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Contact: +8801709-814221, +8802 55087105, Mail:
National Testing Calibration & Inspection LTD (NTCL)
  • A Certificate may be suspended or withdrawal for a limited period in cases such as the following;
  • Failure by client to meet the requirements for maintaining the Certification of management system, relevant legislation requirement or the certification agreement
  • If improper use is made of the certification status, the Certificate of Registration, or the NTCL Certification Mark and the improper use is not remedied to the Chairman’s satisfaction
  • Failure to take effective corrective actions to identified non-conformities within the set time limit
  • If the client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system
  • Failure to pay the fees due, upon written notice from NTCL
  • If surveillance audits or re-assessments indicate noncompliance with the specified requirements and immediate withdrawal of the Certificate of Registration is not considered necessary
  • If the client voluntarily and officially requested a suspension in writing
  • If Corrective Action Requests have not been closed out within the designated time limit
  • Client organization is not closing the NC with the stipulated time frame
  • If the company fails to comply with the due settlement of its financial obligation.
  • Client organization has not paid the full amount or any other dues of NTCL
  • ETC
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