Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a formal process to be used to examine the environmental consequences of proposed. development projects, programmers and policies and suggest relevant management actions.
The main purpose of this section of the ESIA report is to provide an understanding of current environmental and social conditions that form the baseline against which project impacts can be predicted ..
Well balanced illumination is essential for the establishment of a safe and productive work environment, optimizing illumination in the industrial workplace requires a number of considerations including types of equipment..
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) / Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.
Stack is nothing but chimney which is used to disperse the hot air at a great height, emissions & particulate matters that are emitted from the various types of stacks like boiler, flue gas etc.
Physically, there is no difference between noise and sound. Sound is a sensory perception and noise corresponds to undesired sound. In extension, noise is any unwarranted disturbance within a useful frequency band
Temperature is a measuring term used to understand the hotness or coldness of a substance or a system. It is the outcome of heat energy. Generally expressed in 0C or 0F. But internationally it is expressed in Kelvin (K).